Do you ever send or receive e-mail? Are you on the Internet a lot? Do you go to chat rooms? Did you know there are rules of behavior? These are called Netiquette. The rules can be applied across almost every situation. You can use them in real life and in Cyberspace. These rules might seem obvious to you. But they will help your Internet experience be more fun. Be Polite There's a reason everybody has heard the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It holds true, both in real life, and in cyberspace! If you stop to consider how your actions will affect others on the Internet and in real life, you'll be one of the most respected Netizens on the web. Being polite doesn't just include what you say. It also covers how you say it, and to whom. If you use humor or sarcasm in your writing, be sure the recipient is going to like your sense of humor. Never send an e-mail when you're angry or upset! If you're having a bad day, it'll probably show in your message. And most importantly, clarity, grammar, and spelling always count. Be Patient Everybody was new to the Internet at one time or another! Be patient with those who are new. If someone shows poor Netiquette, don't get angry with them. Politely respond and tell them of their error. Usually, the other person will be thankful for the advice. You may even find that you have made a new friend. Sometimes you'll bump into someone that you just don't see eye to eye with. In those cases, all you can do is agree to